MADDReptiles Lab at UPRM

Herpetology, Host-Microbe Interactions, Evolutionary Ecology

Reptile and Amphibian Evolution, Microbiome Interactions, Systematics & Biogeography

While broadly interested in evolution and biodiversity, research in the Lab focuses on how host-associated microbial communities influence host ecology and evolution and how contemporary studies can elucidate evolutionary processes. Our primary animal systems are reptiles and amphibians, but we also have projects in other diverse groups including fish, spiders and marine invertebrates. Our research relies heavily on making and utilizing biological collections and integrating big data and computationally intense analyses. We regularly use techniques from molecular biology, microbial ecology and genomics to answer questions regarding how microbes contribute to host ecology and evolution, and the underlying mechanisms governing these interactions. Projects in the lab scale from local to global, and we have been fortunate to work extensively in tropical Central and South America as well as the Horn of Africa. If you are interested in access to samples or collaboration please email PI Colston:

New Collaborative Publication in Science!

Through a huge collaborative effort led by researchers at the University of Michigan and representing researchers from 4 continents, we show that snakes represent and evolutionary singularity, showing rapid concerted evolutionary adaptation diversification across phylogeny, niche and morphology.